Monday, August 20, 2012

how to easily study Llb law university of london , my way

I understand that when we first started our course in degree in law, some of us who is not familiar with the syllabus, and the terms, would face difficulties in organizing our study and would lose hope when the exam is near. Law is famous with the bulk of cases and principles that has to be memorized, that is true and we have to face that fact, we need to be able to do it. But how? How did our seniors able to score when there is so much to read? are they super human with photographic memory? hehe.. well, guess what, be smart and organise, thats the trick.

I am going to share with all of you the way that I organize my study. I see that the college/university will provide a lot of stuff to help in our study, but actually what happen was all these stuff confuses us and we wasted time not knowing where to go first, what is more important and so on. remember, although it is true that everything is important and we need to be recent and so on, however we need to remember that we dont have all the time in the world, the clock is ticking and we need to cover as much as possible to score, and not bored the examiner with rubbish information.

once you have covered all these, if u still have spare time, then it is fine to go and study on extra stuff such as those new story on the internet, new cases, comparing cases with other countries and so on, to score a big fat A. :)

ok now lets get started.

1: first of all, for each subject, you will need a Past Year Question Chart. sometimes if you are lucky, you will get one from your college/seniors. Or else, you will have to create one. don't fret, it is not hard to create one. but yeah it does take some time, maybe your whole day, maybe 2/3 days. you just have to read each questions, and jog down at the side about which chapter the question belongs to. and also, see if it is a problem or essay question, (important for Contract Law and Criminal). This is for you to see which chapter is famous asking about what. Do not spot chapters. but it is okay to leave out some chapters, but just some, like 2/3 only. you'll figure this out yourself ok.
ok now you have a chart and by this time you will see the trend and can quite figure out which topic is so famous you just unable to not study that topic. hehe. just like the example below, u can see that for Question 1, usually it would be on Offer & Acceptance. and like in Public Law, usually the 7th question is on Judicial Review. this chart is very helpful for you to see how much you should know, and how much you don't!
 here is an example:

2: next is you compile all question that has came out from each chapter. for example, Contract Law , Terms. compile them from both Zone A and Zone B, from 1997 until 2012 (for example). this is a process that you need to try to do yourself because you will learn alot while doing this.
you can find the exam paper in the VLE student portal. it will be opened in Adobe and so just print screen (press Ctrl + PrtSc (beside F12)), paste it in Paint and cut the question and paste and organise them in Word according to each chapters. you will be able to study each question next to another and you will see that the examiners actually asking about the same thing every year. tackle all of them.

3: Try to attempt the questions and just write skeletal answer on what you think what the answer might be. Now, notice that there is Examiner Report  on each of the exam paper. see what the examiners comment about the question, and sometimes they will even give the answer they wanted. after doing about 5/6 question, i think you will already know what case to use, how many and so on..

4: during your self study, skip that bulky text books, only refer them when the Subject Guide told you to do so. but usually, for Contract and Criminal law, the text book contains extra info on more cases which will be useful in Essay questions. but for public and common, the text book is important.

5: Do alot of questions. Infact, do all of them. write a full essay answer when you have gotten that full answer from lectures note/tutorials/examiner report. Dont write bullet points and skeletal answer only, that is to be done BEFORE you know the answer. practice alot of writing, practice how to shorten your introduction/conclusion, practice putting alot of cases and applying the principles because these are the marks. and practice writing fast in 40 minutes for each question.

6: since there will be so much to read, and you might get tired, look for notes from the college/university which is done in chart. for example, like these which is in Contract Law Revision Planner.

and so, these is all that i used in my study... in total, I need:

#Text Book to be read together with Subject Guide
#Charts in Revision Planner
#Past Year questions in VLE
#Examiner Report in VLE
#lecturers notes + Past Year answers by them

Sunday, August 19, 2012

just wanna list down my Tamas so far :)

My first Tamagotchi, and i am so happy and excited everyday.. although what i had to do was basically feed them and clean their poops,but i am still happy. LOL
Still learning on how to make them happy, smart, etc.. still alot to learn! :)
They were just bonding at 10% since day-1.. hmm...
My Tamagotchi look so cool, i love it.
Thanks to my beloved hubby,Azzam <3
hehe :P

at first when i started playing this tama, ie few days ago, it has 3 eggs..
then it hatches to small Tamababies.. but i forgot how they look like.. :(
But then after a day, after alot of medicine and pooping, they grew up to a Tamachildren!

They were Tororotchi, Mousetchi, and Achirukutchi... :D

I couldn't find a nice picture of Tororotchi, but he was the cutest when in Tama.. I like all of them :)

Then they grew up, the become what i have currently:

They are Ichigotchi, Bakutchi, and Korokotchi <3

 Cant wait to see what they grew up to become next!
and i still don't have any clue of what  kind of family that i wanted.. :D

yey i am so happy :)

editted: 27/10/2011

today my Tamas evolved again!
They are Watatchi, Uhyotchi, and Hatugatchi :)

editted on 30/10/2011

hmm, today my Tamas changes again.. :(

 both are Gozarutchi, another one is Kunoitchi..

maybe coz I didnt play with them much, their happiness was just 40%, so they become Ninja Family..

 i saw this comment in youtube just now, broke my heart to pieces..
i took good care of them but i just dont know how to make them happier.. :(

Anyways.. I wonder with what Tama I should start a Generation 2 with..
will find out abt that later.. :/

editted 4/11/2011:

I used the Dating show to find a partner for my Tama, i chose to marry of one of the boys, the Gozarutchi.. At early attempts, I was just clueless to which should be the best to match with Gozarutchi.. then, i was tired guessing, i just enter the dating Show, and just marry him off to who ever that it may be. and the lucky girl was....

Yonepatchi from the easy Going family.. LOL

How to find the TamaTown for tamagotchi v5

I got a Tamagotchi V5 for my birthday.. yay! i am so happy finally i got one.. :D
the package it came with was in Chinese language hence where it was made,
so i couldnt understand much of what i should do,
and ofcourse i couldnt find the right Tamatown which goes with the Tamagotchi V5.. i end up playing for hours at the Tamatown for Tamago as a Guest. =,,="

*just a guide for those who might as well be looking for the Tamatown for the Tamagotchi V5 since it is quite a new version, and by looking at the amount of posts asking around about this on Google, so i'll try to help here too:

1just visit the tamagotchi page at Bandai

2: go below the page,to the part that was circled :
3: when u click it, u'll be able to chose the Tamatown for v5! 

There u go! happy traveling around the Tamatown for Tamagotchis V5, i.e the Tama & Earth EXPO! :D 

How to Connect Tamagotchi to PC or the Cd?

wow i noticed that there are many types of Tamagotchis, ie the Familitchi for Tama V5..
hmm, remind me of Pokemon and Digimons..
The best part of having a Tamagotchi is unlike cyber pets, with Tamas u can do shopping, have dating channel, even goes traveling when u are busy to play Tama (ie like when u were in class etc), and  surely the infra-red that would connect ur Tama with ur friend's. sadly i dont hv a friend who hv one. :/
plus u have the cd, which sells stuff cheaper than in the Tamagotchi Shopping Channel. and in the Tama Earth & Expo, (which personally i would think are way more interesting than Tamatown).

the Tama Earth & EXPO before. now is better with more games n no more under constructions.

* anyways, just an extra information here, for those who might not know how to buy stuffs or to gain money when playing the games at the Earth & EXPO for Tamagotchi v5..

1: just go to the 5th icon (the heart icon) <3 , and choose PC.
one of your pet might flew up in this process, as if flying into your computer. how cute..

2: you will get the "log-in number"
this you will have to key in before you play any of the games in Earth &EXPO..

3:after u finish playing, key in the log out number into ur Tamagotchi. then u'll get the prize or the money..

TIPS: once you got an EXCELLENT, or GOOD mark, be sure to key in straight the log-out number. because each time u try again, ur mark will return to zero. they will not compile your money for you. so u will have to repeat logging in and out each time you play. yeah pretty troublesome.. : /

*for those playing the games or buying stuff from the CD:

1: well, they will just provide you with the log out number right?

2: go to the 5th icon in your Tama (the heart icon) <3

3: choose the 2nd option = SPECIAL

4: key in the log out number at the "input password"

here it is awesome to see the shop owner in the Tama World coming into my Tama with a box of present, and to see my pet so suprised to see him. LOL how cute is that! :P

how to know your exam grades for uk exams university of london

my nervousness is killing me, plus the internet took quite awhile buffering before i can view my result.. i feel like that is the longest 40 seconds in my life. i covered half of my laptop screen with a piece of paper and slowly remove it to see my result one by one.. LOL, and finally when i saw my result, i am was quite blur at that time for about 1 minute, suddenly became illiterate. haha.. gosh, i thought the highest would be my Common Law, i didnt expect my Public Law would be much better.. alhamdulillah :)

yehh I got C for my Contract Law, i only got 3 question to answer at that time, another 1 more, i dont know it is from which chapter, dont know if its about Mistake or Misrep.. urghh.. plus, another mistake that i made during this paper was that I didn't prepare for Illegality.. there was one question, was damn easy about Illegality, it was from past year question.. omg I regret that I didnt try to read up on that chapter.. if not all my result would be 50 and above..
however, I'll try my best next year and I will not repeat the same mistake again.
#prepare early, and although u are tired for that last paper, be strong! Gambateh! :)

By the way, because i had difficulty looking for information on UK exam grades, so now that I know the grades, I'll put it down here for u guys, just in case..

70-100 : A
60-69 : B+
50-59: B
40-49: C
0-39 : Fail
maybe for those who is new to Llb, or for those who is not studying under this field would feel like it is so easy to get A, i tell you what, the examiner is very very stingy in giving even 1 marks to u.. however they will try their very best to pass you.. moreover, although u wrote a completely rubbish answer (no law at all), u might still get around 30 plus.. and also, although u just answer 1 question, and in that question u wrote something unrelated to the question, (for example, your opinion on why you dislike a person in Malaysia Gov) haha, you will still get a 5/100.. yeah.. they will still give u mark on that opinion..
but when ur answer is eligible for a pass, like u do know some law and u apply them to the question, they will make sure again and again whether u deserve that mark, whether ur answer deserve to get a Pass, B, or B+..
and so although u answer all 4 question, but actually u only study for 2/3 chapter and u apply them to all your answer (not answering the question syndrom), u might get a 38/39.. and u'll need to re-sit that paper on October/November seating.. (and fyi, each paper came with a price, big one)
and so, i feel so happy with my result.. i deserve to get that big C because I know I was lousy on that paper.. But I am happy that i pass! :)) and thank you to UOL Examiner for rewarding me a B+, I know u re-read my answer hundreds of time to award me that 1 more mark. yeyyy thank you thank you.. <3

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

hawar kucing

sob3.. pagi td pukul 5.15am.. Baby  telah mghembuskan nafasnye yg terakhir.. huhu.. kesian kat kakak kna menyaksikan peristiwa yg menyayat hati tu sorg2.. huhu.. 
setiap hari haritu aku pastikan aku bg dia makan and makan sume ubat dia, dua kali sehari mcm yg doctor suruh..tapi apakan daya, Allah lebih menyayangi Baby.. huhu.. sayu btul nk tulis ni..
hmm nmpknye symptom dia sore throat dgn batuk tu bkn la symptom demam biasa, kami dh tersilap.. 
kalaulah kami tahu lebih awal yg dia sebenarnya dijangkiti hawar kucing dari kitten kecik yg mak bwk balik sblm tu.. spatutnya kami tahu sbb tetiba je Kitty and Baby demam serentak. cuma nye kitty sakit perut, and Baby lak sore throat.. 
kami jadikan ni pengajaran sbb kami sekeluarga mmg x prnah tahu penyakit hawar kucing ni mcm mana..
jgn pandang remeh bila kucing kesayangan anda tetiba demam, tak lalu makan n minum, and tak larat. cepat2 bawak ke klinik.
penyakit ni dikatakan kalau biar utk 2 hari pun akan jd sangat parah dh, dh la susah nk dirawat. peluang nk sembuh sgt tipis, mungkin smbuh kalau bg doctor tu yg jaga kan. hmm tp mahal.. :/
ohh baby, kami akan merindui baby sgt2.. sorry for everything. kami harap Baby happy semasa tinggal dgn kami sume, tdo kat atas selimut favourite Baby tu, and main dgn kitorg mlm2 dlm bilik..
huhu.. :'(

Monday, August 6, 2012

how to memorise case laws for exam

since law subject is heavy with numerous cases from UK and international countries, and also with various sorts of principles attached to each of them, not to mention countless names of judges to be remembered; I created an easy way,for me, to remember each of them.
i have a small pink polka dot book which i draw and write cases, principles, and judges. I'll reread it before i went to sleep before the day of exam, and flip through them before entering the examination hall.

It is important to keep the note as colourful as possible, because as experianced by me, during the heat of exam, it is very difficult to remember a group of related cases. but because your note is funny and colourful, and the pictures are somewhat drawn to be related next to each other, effortlessly you will be able to draw them back onto your question paper during the reading time, and there you go, a complete note ready to be write down as amazing complete answer.
it is commonly known that during law exam, even a very good student who read and memorised alot would not be able to remember even 50% of them, moreover during the exam, less than 10 cases can effectively be remembered, maybe because the brain still on buffering mode ,
but not me, I can remember A LOT! :D hahaha
and it is so easy to study like this, as you have compact the whole chapter into a piece of comic. and for 1 subject, maybe say you focus on 6 chapter, so that means 6 piece of colourful comic before exam.
how harder can that get?
creativity can always help during studying.

oh and this too, very helpful. but the taste of it really remind me of the misery during exam month. haha! so I'll save it just to be drank and eaten during exam month next year!

BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks to my blog stalker, Neevian for this amazing picture. :D 

how to cook mix vegetable, malay style

1) mula2 goreng bawang sehingga layu, lepas tu masukkan bawang putih.. *psshhhhhhhh..

2) selepas tu, masukkan ayam dan serbuk masala satu sudu besar. (kalau tak ada serbuk masala, boleh guna rempah kurma). masukkan juga garam, ajinomoto, and black pepper. (black pepper boleh digantikan dgn cili potong).
3) ok lepas tu masukkan air dan masuk kan tomato macam ni..
4) masukkan kacang buncis dan tutup, biarkan dalam 7 minit smpai masak. jangan risau, takkan hangit sbb kan  tadi dah buh air. masakan ni boleh try masak guna kobis, bendi and sayur lain gak.. hehe..

5) last skali ialah goreng tauhu sampai garing pastu potong2 dan masukkan kedalam sayur kita td.. 
selesailah sudah sayur goreng Mak Ana. haha. nasib baik la tak susah nak belajar masak ni.
selamat mencuba kalau nak cuba :D

syiling seringgit RM1 dulu-dulu

90's kid will understand this.

chicken chop Mak Ana :)

bulan ramadhan ni ada sekali je dapat rse mak msk western, pastu dh pegi johor lg.. rndu dh kat masakan mak. (kena cepat2 blaja masak la nmpknye, hehe.) kalini mak buat lain sikit, selalunya ayam, potato, carrot, bechamel sauce, salad, (ok sumenye), selalunya tak wat style ni. tp sedap je jugak. biasala, bukak puasa sume pn sdap je. :D

sebab dh ada bechamel sauce, so sauce2 yg lain mmg takyah la gne, except mint sauce! sdap oo.. hmm brtambah sedap sbb mkn ngan family. (sedih je kan bunyi sbb di perantauan.. )
yang ni baby potatoes, cute and sodap! next time akan buh recipe nye ok. mmg sedap yg ni. hehe.
love mak!