Friday, June 1, 2018

My Lobster Diary

I will continuously update the list below of the dates of when I turned into a red lobster due to my histamine intolerance, and also point out the possible cause to it.

- Allergies all over my body, from my ankle to my neck. Swollen fingers, makes me unable to wear my wedding rings on the daily. (There's a time when my finger grew swollen in the middle of the night and I woke up in pain to see my ring finger turns red blue. Yikes.)
- This allergy most probably caused by the tuna.

My husband who recently just found a hidden passion in cooking decided 
to invent a new recipe : Tuna Noodles

I did not eat a lot..but I guess that is enough. But yeah plus I also ate too much hotdogs and cheese.

Another new recipe invented by my husband 
which were filled with cheese and more cheese

I've made some rather poor food choices yesterday. Hope I will heal as soon as possible.

- I am getting my allergies since last night, but only on my legs knee down and also on both my hands.
-I totally eat clean these few days, plus I even drank my ginger tea every time for dinner but I still did not visit the toilet to poop for a good 4 days now.
- The reason of my allergies could be due to the exam stress, because today is Tuesday and I still can't get anything in my head, and my exam is on Thursday. just 2 days to go! 

Perhaps sitting by the beach now would help me.
But I don't think so.

It has been 2 days now that I woke up with severe allergies all over my body. from my ankle, to my wrists, all over my back, and on my forehead too. It's just red patches all over. Effectively a qualified lobster leader.
-I think the main culprit is

 There's 2 of this in the fridge now. 
My husband bought this regularly now, because he wants to gain muscle so-called.
and he blames me for having lack of self-control for drinking it,
knowing full well i can't.
oh well... 
just a sip but no more next time, thank god its no more in the fridge.

And I guess that are the perhaps main cause, yeah I did drank quite alot of chocolate milk that night. I even gave it a good shake. It's just my favorite drink, after all.

Oh low and behold, yesterday he bought a whole bag of...

Yeah I can't eat these, and this is my favorite too.
And there is like 20 of this in the fridge.
I am trying to improve my diet but someone seems to be taking it lightly.
But when I am depressed about it, I seemed to be mocked at.