Monday, August 6, 2012

how to memorise case laws for exam

since law subject is heavy with numerous cases from UK and international countries, and also with various sorts of principles attached to each of them, not to mention countless names of judges to be remembered; I created an easy way,for me, to remember each of them.
i have a small pink polka dot book which i draw and write cases, principles, and judges. I'll reread it before i went to sleep before the day of exam, and flip through them before entering the examination hall.

It is important to keep the note as colourful as possible, because as experianced by me, during the heat of exam, it is very difficult to remember a group of related cases. but because your note is funny and colourful, and the pictures are somewhat drawn to be related next to each other, effortlessly you will be able to draw them back onto your question paper during the reading time, and there you go, a complete note ready to be write down as amazing complete answer.
it is commonly known that during law exam, even a very good student who read and memorised alot would not be able to remember even 50% of them, moreover during the exam, less than 10 cases can effectively be remembered, maybe because the brain still on buffering mode ,
but not me, I can remember A LOT! :D hahaha
and it is so easy to study like this, as you have compact the whole chapter into a piece of comic. and for 1 subject, maybe say you focus on 6 chapter, so that means 6 piece of colourful comic before exam.
how harder can that get?
creativity can always help during studying.

oh and this too, very helpful. but the taste of it really remind me of the misery during exam month. haha! so I'll save it just to be drank and eaten during exam month next year!

BRING IT ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!

thanks to my blog stalker, Neevian for this amazing picture. :D 


  1. ergh....boring nye hang blajaQ neh :p

  2. cehhhh mana da bosan boring..
    law sgt interesting!! hahaha..
    tak kenal maka tak chenta :P
