Thursday, May 31, 2018

Food that reduces histamine intolerance

I am done reading about food that I cannot eat, that list just gonna make me depressed. Meat? Yes I can eat that but only if fresh meat. That would be possible if my mom is staying with me, but no she's not so.. Oh anyways I am gonna share with you some of the power food that helps you combat your sufferings.

1. Ginger Tea

Please don't get ginger mistaken for turmeric. *worries. Okay let me at least show you how they suppose to look like.

Ginger is yellow

Turmeric is orange

But anyways, turmeric tea is also beneficial for health so no worries if you wrongly made the tea.

Going back to the histamine intolerance matter. GINGER TEA is HIGHLY recommended. Why histamine intolerance people should be drinking this on the daily is because we could go for days without pooping. Until one time it just pops on you "when was the last time that I poop? Where all the food goes??"

Yesterday night I drank like a jug of ginger tea, and this morning I was like so excited for the toilet. Because it has been 5 days that I couldn't poop and it's been making me sad.

BUT NOW NOT ANYMORE! I'm gonna make this ginger tea like every day, you have my word. I don't know what other drink would be best now. This is like my Coca Cola, my chocolate milk.

Well, how to make one you may ask?

-slice some gingers (yesterday i made like 10 thick slices)
-mix it with 4 cups of water
-put on high temperature,
-let them dance
-close the lid (I'm using the pan)
-and once done, just let them sit and put the ginger into your jug too (with the water of course).
-pour in some honey for some sweetness

(or just browse in Youtube to see the live action)

Well, mind you histamine intolerance species like me shouldn't be taking honey too much, but I guess 1 table spoon should be okay? As long as in minimum quantity guys. It's not as poisonous as drinking chocolate milk for me.

2. Mangosteen 


Current price in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia would be RM 15 for 1 kg. Still not so bad for me, plus they sell good fruits.

How to choose? Well, don't take the big ones. Take the little ones. No seed and usually all intact and white and sweet. The best choice.

This motherf*cker here is your medicine guys. It lowers your histamine level. Unlike other food that just act as no histamine adder, but this dude here could LOWER your histamine level. Better than taking those pills. You can chuck the pills into the trash.

Mangosteen are also well known in treating skin allergies. He is like Number 1 in the recommended list. (Makes me wonder how it went unnoticed by histamine intolerance researchers (us). And that's how me and mangosteen met and then upon further reading, i was like "I better grab some of these TODAY"

The sweetness will cure you. Practically heaven.

3. Pomegranate 


Well here goes this gem for you. Like eating ruby. You know, the red stones. Sometimes it looks just so translucent and red inside my bowl and I would just admire it's beauty.

And this motherf*cker could heal your histamine I tell you!

But not as good as the mangosteen. That's why the mangosteen is king. (I mean in the sense of visible effectiveness on my body) But this pomegranate fella still do some work in balancing your hormone, lowering your histamine and stuff. 

You do know women suffers an extra more for being histamine intolerance, because turns out histamine level gets higher when estrogen gets high. And when would estrogen goes high? Near menstruation. So that's why sometimes without you having done anything, suddenly you got rashes so much you practically turned into lava girl.

But it's just your estrogen causing that. Not the food you take. What you should be doing is get the pomegranates, for me I will grab 3 at one go, get the jewels out, and toss them into the blender.

I'm gonna get a cup full of the juice and just enjoy it. Soon I'll be alright again. 

Yes fella, so far I've only found 3 magical items that actually HELPS me in getting better. 

These fruits are really good for your gut, your skin, and your hormone. Get them and try them. You'll see changes. ;)

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

15 things poor people do that the rich don't ( in text / script)

1) Poor people watch a lot of tv

Let me put it this way, if you have the time to watch reality tv, you're probably poor. It's always amazing how much time poor people waste on meaningless television. It's one of those distractions that grabs you and doesn't let go.

If you know which celebrity is dating who and if you're watching TV shows every week as the episodes comes on, if you have a favorite news channel, you're probably watching too much television hence why your life is the way it is.

Let us explain celebrity gossip and buzz offers no values to your life, it only serves the celebrities rich people aim to be on tv instead of watching it. You might say, "But Alux I am watching the Big Bang Theory which is a very funny show and it helps me to disconnect."

That is exactly the issue, you disconnect from your problem instead of dealing with them and getting them out of the way.There are rare occasions where in the words of John Lennon.

"Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time", 

but really think about it, should sitting inside watching a screen be something you really enjoy doing?

Before we move forward to the second thing poor people do, let me explain what we meant by having a favorite news channel. You might say that the only good reason to watch tv is to be aware of what's happening in the world, staying informed. The problem we're seeing with this is that TV stations are always biased in order to pick their own agenda.

Instead, use the power of the internet to get a quick glimpse of what the world is like today and move on to do your own thing.

2) Poor people eat fast food

Health is really important, and many poor people have no interest in knowing what's in their food? What an actual healthy meal should look like, or barely know anything about nutrition?

Poor people are blasting their brains with large quantities of sugar and fats with no nutritional value. They are actively ruining their bodies, as in effect they cannot perform at 100% of their potential.

If you're not healthy, all aspects of your life are directly affected. You'll suffer physically, mentally, professionally, and even romantically.

3. Poor people buy clothes or products that are on sale

Let me put it this way, the only thing you should buy on sale are stocks.While poor people are looking to conserve or stretch the little that they have, the rich are focused on increasing their incomes.

Just think about it, the clothes that end up being on sale are the ones that people who could afford to pay the full price didn't want. By buying clothes on sale, you're just making sure that you're looking exactly like someone who can't afford to pay the full price.

4. Poor people wake up later than rich people do in their early years

Poor people are often lazier than the rich in the early days.We know that some of you will be bothered a lot by the previous statement, but statistically, it's the truth.

Someone who use their youth to grow themselves is a lot less likely to remain poor later on in life. Instead, if you wake up late, don't educate yourself, waste time on meaningless activities, at one point you'll find yourself so far behind what the world needs from you that you'll end up miserable.

The paradox is, that people who do not focus on growth in the early days end up working a lot harder with little success rate later in life just to stay afloat.

We've done an entire series on inspiring people on our channel and almost all of them, Bill Gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffett and more, wake up early.

5. Poor people are really into sports

The truth is unless you're a professional athlete or an owner of one of the teams, there's really no reason for you to watch sports. It's the same with television. It's escapism from your current reality.Think of it like this, you're putting yourself in a position where you as an individual who has no impact on the outcome of the game. Zero impact.

This behavior then sticks with you, and you end up being a spectator in life instead of being a player or an owner. And that is when you start criticizing other people when you yourself haven't done anything better.

6. Poor people don't shower as often as rich people do

Initially we though this was just a made up fact but it turns out to be true and amazingly it explains a lot when you think about it. Most of the jobs today are in service industries where human contact is a must in order to have a successful exchange of value.

People who don't have a good personal hygiene will in time be less successful than their counterparts. People tend to trust them less, people want to spend less time when they are present, and all of this has ramifications in their personal life.

If people don't like you and don't want to be around you, what kind of partners will you attract? Exactly. It might seem ridiculous, but the first step to success should be an early morning shower.

7. Poor people blame others for their misfortune

How many people do you know that have some sort of excuse or blame other factors for not being successful yet? There are some things that are out of our control but 99% of your life is on you.

Remember that you are in charge of your life. You are in charge of your relationships. You are in charge of your health. You want this to change? Do something about it. 

Life is not what happens to us, it's how we react to what happens to us. When something bad happens, the poor choose to victimize themselves, while the rich look into it and study it, they seek to find out what happened, why it happened, and how they can protect from it in the future. 

While one assumes the position as vulnerable victim, the other uses it as a growing point.

8. Poor people have no money saved

One of the differences between poor people and the rich is that the former don't get ready for what's next. Having money put aside allows for growth. 

Let say something bad happens, if you have money put aside the problem is solved, and you can resume your life.

If you don't, and the situation is urgent, what do you do? Do you either liquidate your asset like your car, house, etc? Or you can take a loan.

For the rich, when the situation is over, they're left in the same position minus the savings. While for someone's whose poor, their lifestyle has been dramatically hit or now belongs to the creditor. 

Now let's look at the exact opposite.

An opportunity arises. Those who have money put aside, now have the chance to expand their lives, while the other can't afford to take a full advantage of this opportunity.

That's why the rich are growing richer while the poor are getting poorer.

9. Poor people use credit cards or take out loans for useless things

One of the main differences between rich and poor, is how they make use of credit. 

The rule is simple, if you take out a loan to buy something that doesn't generate more money than the loan, don't take it. It's that simple.

You should only use credit if what you'll be using it for is an investment.

Want to take loan for a large TV? Don't.
Want a loan to buy that new supreme gear? Don't.
Want to use credit cards to get the new Iphone? Don't.

Unless you're flipping the supreme gear for profit, or you're using the iphone to develop a new app to grow your business, these items should not be on your credit. 

Instead, earn the money and then spend it.

10. Poor people tend to have more kids and earlier in life

The truth is, kids are really really expensive. We all know how fun it is to make them or at least practice making them, but people get stuck up to this point. They don't think it's true.

Just to give you a sense of perspective, if you're living in one of the more developed countries, raising a child will cost you approximately $250,000.00 

Because  of lack of education, that environment and other factors, poor people have on average more children and at a younger age than their rich counterparts. 

While the rich wait a couple of years until their standards of living improve in order to assure the right environment and prime conditions for their child to flourish, the poor just go ahead with it. 

Once the baby comes, the struggling begins just so they can stay afloat and progress beyond barely surviving is almost impossible to achieve.

11. Poor people do not do regular checks with their doctors

We've touched on the importance of health in the past, but this is an especially important point. Poor people do not get themselves checked regularly.

Let's say by mere chance you end up having a difficult disease, let's say cancer.

If you do regular check-ups, you'll discover in early stages. Making the treatment possible at a lower cost. If on the other hand you neglect to do so, you might discover it only when it's too late. 

It will cost both you and your entire family a fortune. And no matter how much money you have, you might still lose your life.

12. Poor people spend their money before they get it

One of the biggest dangers in life is spending money before you have it.

The second you start borrowing money or acquiring expenses before you're able to pay them, your life starts to spiral down. If you don't have money for something you're willing to part with, without affecting your life, then you can't afford it. Go back to work and then get it.

13. Poor people surrounds themselves with other poor people

True Aluxors knows that you are the some of the five people you hang out with most. If you're surrounded by four poor people, guess who's the fifth?

One of the ways that people make sure they stay poor is by associating themselves or hanging out with other poor people that reinforce their core beliefs.

You need people around you that will inspire you and push you further that are doing incredible things themselves, whose success will only motivate you to exceed your current reality. If you're hanging out with the same people you did when you were young, you might want to double check.

Don't be afraid to step away from a crowd and move on to something better. If you don't, your potential probably be crushed by those who wants to feel better about their miserable lives by making sure you suffer the same fate.

14. Poor people never follow through on their ideas or potential

You're not able to control who your parents are, where you were born, or the way society treats you. The only thing that you can control is the amount of hours you put into your dream.

Every single person alive only has 24 hours per day, and yet some do a lot more than others. If you dedicate yourself to learning and implementing more about what you're passionate about, it's only a matter of time until you reach success.

You've heard that 9 out of 10 businesses fail in their first three years, well do you know how many businesses fail because they never got started? The answer is all of them.

If you have an idea,work on it, put it out, get feedback, improve it, launch again, and again, and again. 

15. Poor people believe that others should help them reach the top

The world doesn't owe you anything, nobody does. Believe it or not, you're in this by yourself. You are in charge what happens in your life.

The thing is everyone believes when they're young, they are going to be successful, but then reality happens.

This world we're living in rewards only the best of the best. Those that never quit, those that keep learning, keep adapting and understand that nobody will solve their problems for them, face them head-on and along the way you might meet people who feel the same way and share parts of the journey with you, otherwise you'll just be part of that majority that's meant to fail.

16. Poor people are a lot more religious than rich people

The fact is, statistically speaking, successful people rely on their own forces for their well-being.

While the poor rely on mythical intervention will somehow reward them for being a good person. 

Even though presidents or CEOs might mention God in their speeches, they are not really religious. One great example is Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, whose being for the biggest part of his life an atheist, but since he might consider the position in politics in the near future, decided to change his stance.


Histamine Intolerance Journey

I have been suffering from histamine intolerance starting from April 2017 (last year) following a bad fever. I was stressed up at work place, I ate a lot of junk food, guess my body just decided he can't take it anymore.

I suffered from continuous cough from April and I went for TB diagnosis on June when the coughing just continues. I have rashes too and I realized I am allergic to something. But I didn't realized that the coughing and the rashes were connected.

I went to hospitals and clinic, countless times to consult doctor, showed them my rashes, asked for cough syrups that never helped. Sleepless night, uncomfortable at work place, and my job sucks, and it was all just bad timing for me. 2017 was hell to put it simple. My health just hit rock bottom.

And so figured that perhaps the fried chicken I frequented every dinner time to be the caused, turned out it is. I had to let go of the delicious fried popcorn chickens with paprika altogether and I seemed to be improving. I could breathe well and for a moment I forgotten my suffering. But then the symptom will visit me again few days later and I am putting red flags all over the restaurants and food menus that I shouldn't order if I want to live.

And then I started to group the common traits of the food that I can't eat and I realized they can't be grouped, it was as if sometimes I feel like I can't eat anything at all. Perhaps only rice porridge. Because one time I ate seafood and I am fine, the next I am not. Same goes to chickens and meat. Turns out later on I can only eat them fresh or else my body gonna be covered with volcanic blisters the next morning.

As you can see below are the list of food that I can't eat, and the range are wide. Some people allergic to nuts, some can't eat seafood.. But for me, it runs to hundred of items..

Welp, trying to look at the bright side, I still can eat them if they are fresh. Do you know where can I eat fresh sushi? I am dying for that.

Oh and I can't eat or drink chocolate. Like What the Actual Fuck. That is the darnedest thing ever.

And I can't be stressed too, or I will be allergic towards my own self. Like whutttt!

Sigh, still trying to look at the bright side of this.

The journey continues.

I have Histamine Intolerance and it sucks!

Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Back then right after I am done with STPM at BM High school, having graduated from Biochemistry science stream, where I managed to secure B in Bio and C in Chemistry, I somehow landed in Broadcasting Mass Communication studies at UiTM.

I remember attending the broadcasting interview at UiTM Permatang Pauh with a group of youngsters, and there were a good 5 of us that were selected from that pool.

Once I am gathered with my fellow mass-communication peers for my first day of degree, something dawned on me. One prominent trait that all of us have were that we all looked rather non-mainstream due to our heritage or our fashion sense. I believe our education or our experience doesn't really carry much weight.

Having that in my mind, I realized that the environment was not suitable for someone who adores knowledge and integrity. In a way that most of them carry out their preliminary socializing based heavily on how everyone agrees on their first judgement.

Me being me, plus entering the class late on my first day, thus attracting unwanted attention, I am not so like-able. Majority of the class already showed the reaction of disliking me and they already herding together in their small groups.

In just the first week, what more the first month, I am already feeling so reclusive and I couldn't perform at my optimum level. My English quality has plummeted down, I can't show any traits of being a nerd or hardworking in class without being called at.

I remember one moment when we were all playing make-up in an empty class. One of our classmate, was applying this eyeliner to one of the girls. and then BAM she looked amazing. And then other girls tried on too. And then I asked if I could join in as well. The dude who been doing this eyeliner service, he is like transgender dude showed this dislike reaction towards my request, but nonetheless went on with it.

Once I am done, smiling to my friends, who showed no reaction whatsoever, we all left to the cafeteria, where I saw my face in the mirror and I just couldn't describe how terrible the eyeliners was on my eyes, it was blotchy and ugly at it's finest.

I am fairly very disappointed, I washed my face up and went on with my life. I hate dramas and as far as I can remember, there's drama almost everyday at Mass-Communication faculty.

A rather serious-looking KD spotted minding her own business

I went back to Penang quite frequently, and that was one of the reasons why I am mostly tired and agitated in the university, not to mention I am low on money, and I ate maggi and instant beehoon almost everyday to survive. I had to take this long uphill walk and climb this steep stairs to my faculty, and on my way back, I had to climb up 4 storeys flight of stairs coz my room situated at 4th floors in the college (the dorm is known as colleges in UiTM).

And then it was almost the end of the semester and final exam is near. There's alot of quizzes and I am sick when my classmates would sit around me in tests and quizzes just so that they could copy my answers. Mind you, the questions were not that difficult, it is mass-communication and plus it was first year. At that time, I kept looking in the future and feel so restless if I am to be surrounded by these kind of community around me.

I went back to my hometown one last time and I remember having this long critical thought about my future while I was shopping in Tesco. I was wondering what do I get if ever I end up being so successful in Media. What if I achieved this optimum level from this stream I'm in.

I guess there's popularity to it, a lot of deadlines, a lot of travelling and meeting people. But what may lack would be respect. 

Would I be respected if I am this popular individual, more particularly, would I be respected by my future children and husband, my in-laws. (Yes I am already thinking of that situation at that time in Tesco.) Would my parents be proud of me? Of course they would be, they would be proud of me with whatever I end up doing. But what about the higher circle of community that I want to climb in, can I penetrate their circle? 

I guess with my low self confidence, media really just not the place for me.

I end up not attending my final year exam for my first semester as I already enrolled in Law.

Evaluating the decisions that I have taken, I am glad because none in the photo above ever achieved something prominent in the media field. Everyone ended up absorbed in HR and Immigration and stuff.. I am glad because I don't think I can go any further than all of them collectively. Even the most jovial and pretty girl in class didn't made it to at least be a tv presenter. I am not sure where she is now. They just sunk so deep and I can't see them anymore.

Saturday, May 26, 2018

The creation of another reality

Do you ever wonder how amazing a fiction story plot could go so deep and detailed?
I did wonder about that. I wonder exactly that when I watch movies. I watch varieties of movies and I don't stereotype any genre until I watch them and say "okay stop I can't continue watching due to the bla3". Usually it's due to a bad script or a cliche story line.

It is amazing how wow factors seems to be in unlimited resource from arts and literature. Be it from movies, theater performance, novels, even poems.. (do you know there's something called horror poems for kids? yes. Romantic poems? Check out Benjamin Zephaniah's writing) cool stuff yo.

Oh back to the creation of alternate realities as seen in movies such as "Fantastic Beast and where to find them", or even superheroes characters that seems so well developed.

How did someone able to write those? Especially in intricate details and almost leave no room to unconnected scenes or unrelated sins? Something like how the Westworld series.

How did human able to create another reality, another dimension that seems so perfect?

Well I formulated an answer here for you and I believe this is how the trick is done.

Ever noticed how I often writes about my dreams in painful details? Like, you must be questioning what is the use of this?

Well, dreams is where the alternate realities are created. Where you meet people that you never met before, and do things and say things differently. The characters in your dream are out of your control, they have their own mind and reaction, it is an absolute new realities created by your own mind in deep sleep.

I am sure you've dreamt doing things like
-climbing stairs that is so insanely steep and dangerous but that is the only way and u did it
-flying and crashing or landing so superbly but you never died despite the clumsiness
-swimming in a dark lake and there's a whale with you
-killing someone
-turning into ghost and crawling on the ceiling, complete with your creepy laughter you didn't realized you could manage
-having kids or babies
-in love with someone that in reality isn't your partner
-sitting for exam unprepared
-have superpowers and protecting the humanities/family
-went for an adventure with your friends
-waking up in the future in year 4000 and seeing the world outside with weird evolved animals and trees
-apocalypse (this is common with everyone)
-meeting different creatures and be friend despite how scary they are (meeting scary but friendly ghosts)
-died and waking up from death
-re-living a past life memory and seeing thing that is not bound yet to happen

Well, perhaps some of those I listed above are too extremes but I could list a hundred more because I realized that dreams are a special set of reality and I've grew accustomed to remembering the intricate details. And I have this urge to write it down in order to relieve myself from the overwhelming feeling I kept having after waking up from the said dream.

Despite how complicated and bizarre a dream could form itself, well it never felt alien to the dreamer, it is still within our grasp of logic reaction and we followed the plot well until the end of it, and usually all dreams end with an ending despite us not planning when to wake up from the sleep.

Well what to encapsulate from all this info I just shared?

Our dreams are exactly the story-line we needed to write a fiction. Be it a movie, a poem, a theatrical performance, something out of the world.

This is the unlimited resource for authors, script writers, directors, thinkers, soul searchers and even like myself just somebody who see things in layers.

Try remembering your dream and realized that the dream world is another life that you are living simultaneously, that's you in that dream and not some stranger. Explore the places you went to and remember the people you meet.

Decipher your own heart and soul through your dreams, get a hold of it and try to be conscious throughout.

Pet Society

Pet Society is a virtual pet game in Facebook when I was around 19 years old back then in year 2010. Tonight I decided to write a tribute on it, after playing Ragnarok game just now, kinda reminded me of Pet Society.

So I am gonna start with KitKat, i.e. me in virtual pet society. Yes my name is Kit Kat. Like how much cooler can that be.

I started off basic in the beginning

I have this black patch on my forehead, and I kinda wearing a skirt.
So girly as a starter. 
Oh and that stoner eyes, that's just plain KD.

And then I started to make some money, and I kinda get a little more.. colourful.
That bob hair is to die for, I think I kept that hair till the end of the game.
The rabbit ears stick till the end too.

Notice my poster at the back? 

Around this stage of the game I am starting to became quite a prominent pet in town. 
I kinda have a viking ship in my living room.
Life was awesome back then. 
And then I started to become more awesome.

I became invisible.
Because I have the Lord of the Ring's invisible ring.
I even have a roller blade shoes and I was rolling around hard.
I can't even explain how cool it is to be invisible. 
(and yeah i wasn't wearing any pants but nobody knows)

You can't see me but actually I'm standing in front of my house.
Buy this time I realized a crown would be enough as my outfit
(although I might be freezing my naked butt in that snow, but nobody knows,heh)

You would know this is KD's house by the look at the snowman.
(I am on the poster but I am invisible, just saying)
I must be somewhere in this photo but I can't even see myself.

ughhhh fans can't get enough of me
(actually I sent the present to myself, haha.. I even wrote sweet notes, aww)

Hey man, come stop by my house.
(I decided to wear a ducky float just to cover my freezing private area, lol)
How the hell did I sit on the bike??
oh those hamster treadmill really works, not just for show.
I buy stuff for their functionality, ya know.

This is my bathroom,
and while I am taking a dump, I can look at all the fishes and prawns that I caught in the aquarium. 
How practically awesome is that??

Me fishing like a pro. 
In real life I might consider fishing as a hobby,
but it's kinda expensive in reality, and fish doesn't really eat apples.

Dude, check out my ride.
The viking ship is my proudest asset.

Oh wait, I actually own a teleport space machine.
that's me on the moon, playing football.
I set up a crazy big ass bonfire and getting accustomed to single life 

After awhile, I am getting sick of losing a self image.
I miss my long bunny ears and red nose.
So I decided to lose the invisible ring, and get a Lady Gaga hairstyle instead.
I love the bell on my long cat tail. I think I might tie a bell to my pet cat once I own one.

Soon enough I've gain the ultimate seniority at Pet Society when I literally turned into gold.
Money seems to literally grows on trees in my backyard.
I am the baus and Pet Society is life

 I really miss Pet Society so dearly, it has been 10 years since the game has been shut down at it prime and glory era. (Alot of money has been spent and burnt in the game) and i never regret that (plus not my money) (it's my dad's), I just love the graphic and the simplicity and the fact that the design can go beyond the boundary.

I wish it to be back one day. 



Sometimes, Facebook has these tendency to dig up past posts just to bring back old memories. And some of them are sweet but unwanted memories. Such as this

Wow, 6 years ago, how time flies..

I still remember the scene at the kitchen when Faruq attempted the bread pudding though.. He turns into this Master Chef because he was trying to impress his girlfriend. And I also remembers why I went back home early too..

That day I drove my own car but due to this event, I decided to head home early, and also without notifying Mama.. Well, it was stupid coz I got into a fight with A at that time, just because I saw Faruq was doing all these sweet stuff that I start to question myself why can't A do the same for me. Perhaps because I am being too easy for him. Thinking too much and I frustrates my own self, and so I left.

But that is not the point.. the point of this post is about Mama, whom I missed dearly. Every year, despite my busy-ness, there always be that one time that she would just run across my mind. Just like today.

Mama was very nice to me, from day one itself. She never hesitate to share with me even her darkest life story or secret.. She'd show me photos of her husband, she'd sit with me at the dining table and chat with me, she even gave me flowers coz she own a florist (which me at that time would hoped that A given me one), but then as it turns out, retrospectively, it has never been about me and A, in fact it has been about me and Mama.

If I were to spun my life story again, I would now be looking at the perspectives of between me and Mama. You know, how sometimes you were so focused on something (in my case, someone) for so long, that you missed out this other wonderful that actually going on at the same time.

Yes, I took her existence for granted, and I regret our memory the most after everything turned into dust.

I never noticed how she was so closed to me, and when she said she took me as one of her own children, I never realized how much it meant for her to utter those words. To take someone else as your own, like me taking Shun and Muiz as my own brother for example now, I feel and I say that only because I love them like they are my own blood. And then only it hits me how much she actually had loved me, as her own.

damn these Ninja cutting onions :'(

Tears in my eyes. But I am almost close to 99.999% certain that our path won't cross again. Sometimes I do feel like wanting to spontaneously just drop by her florist shop for a pleasant surprise, to meet her, because I miss her, but I fear that my intention be taken wrongly, that I missed A, coz hell I do not at all and I wish he just rot in hell but because he is related to Mama so I will just let him live his own pathetic life in peace.

Well, there were times that Mama would occasionally surprised me with a nice quotes at Whatsapp after I have gone from her life, and I would be asking how she's doing.. One time she told me that the barber lady she went to at a hair saloon looks so much like me that she just had to tell me. From there, I know she misses me. 

There's a time that she arranged a dinner with me but would cancel the meeting at the very last minute. I guess she have this feeling that she feared to be understood wrongly too.

But I never blame her for anything that she ever done badly at me. I know she was struggling as much as I did. Trying to let go a bad relationship wasn't easy. Especially when the bad relationship involved A whom was the vital connection to the whole fabric of my friendship with his family.

It was pretty unfair at first because I had to abandoned so many people that I loved at once, but I guess when God just say these 2 lines of life won't run across again, but let the lines runs parallel next to each other, then there goes the 2 lives always remembering each other deep in their heart in silence.

That person whom always would take the spot behind or beside me. 

A year later after this happy occasion, everything just fall apart and memories are what left of these wonderful people whom once I called my own family. 

Things always have this scary possibility of turning worse and out of control. So cherish what you have, and never ever focus on the negative thing for too long, or you would lose sight of the precious people who stood there with you.

Last but not least, Mama, I love you very much and you will always have a place in my heart wherever I go. You are the mother that I never had.

May 2018